GCSEs etc for home ed teens: info event at Central College, Beeston, Thursday 5 May

Date: Thursday 5 May 2016.

Time: 6pm to 7pm.

Venue: Central College, Beeston Campus, High Road, Chilwell, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 4AG.

Age range: The various courses are for young people age 13 up. The info event is open to all. (Some parents will be bringing their children to hear the info first-hand.)

They ask that you book in advance – see contact info below.

Event info page at the College web site

Photo: A large building. The right hand end is curved. In front is a sign where the word "Central" can be read, along with some smaller lettering.

Central College will be holding their annual information evening for local parents and carers of Electively Home Educated students.

The event will offer the opportunity to find out more about Central’s

* Post 16 offer for students over 16 by September 2016

* Programmes for 14-16 year old students

Central is one of the only FE colleges in the country that offers bespoke GCSE and pre-GCSE programmes for 14-16 year old Home Educated learners (equivalent of Years 10 and 11) as well as full time infill placements for Year 11 students.

The pre-GCSE programme for Years 9, 10 & 11 is designed to offer further development in English, Maths and Science before progressing onto the GCSE programme or a full time vocational course the following year.

The GCSE programme for Years 10 and 11 provides EHE learners with an opportunity to gain GCSE qualifications for progression post-16 and beyond.

Infill placements on a variety of vocational full time college courses for Year 11 students only.

If you would like to attend the event please confirm by emailing centralchoices @ centralnottingham . ac . uk (without the spaces) or calling Central Choices 0115 884 2278

Map showing Central College Beeston building.

Tram and bus stops are right outside.

Nearest tram stop: “High Road – Central College”. You need to be on a Toton tram, not a Clifton tram. Tram information.

Nearest bus stop: “Central College”, on the 36 route, Orange Line and Trent Barton Indigo.
(don’t mix up this stop with the one on the Green Line which is also called Central College – different building.)

Parking: the Central College page about parking at its sites says “No on-site parking for students (07:00 – 17:00)”. This sounds as though perhaps you can park there after 5pm, for evening events such as this. If anyone has better info about local parking, please add a comment below.

One thought on “GCSEs etc for home ed teens: info event at Central College, Beeston, Thursday 5 May”

  1. When I booked in, the lady I spoke to said there was parking on site available.

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