Tap jam, city centre, Sunday 19 February

Date: Sunday 19 February 2017.

Time: Tap jam itself is 7pm to 9pm. Extra workshop at 6pm, optional.

Venue: City Arts, 11-13 Hockley, Nottingham, NG1 1FH.

Area: Hockley area, east side of Nottingham city centre. Venue is about 700 yards east of the Old Market Square, just north of the ice rink.

Age range: All ages – as long as young ones are able to cooperate with the atmosphere. So when it’s not their turn to dance, they’d either be watching and encouraging the other dancers, or entertaining themselves fairly peacefully, e.g. with a game or book.

Price: Entry to tap jam £6 / Free after 8pm / Free for under-14s. Loan of tap shoes included if you don’t have your own (if they have the right size for you).

6pm-7pm workshop with special guest Junior Laniyan is £12, or £8 for under-14s. Or £15 combined price for workshop and jam.

Booking: No need to book, just pay on the door.

Organiser: Jess Murray from the Tap Rhythm Project. This isn’t a home-ed-specific event, but Jess ran some tap dancing try-out sessions for local non-schoolers last year, which were much enjoyed 🙂

Text: Tap jam with live band! Sunday 19 Feb. Colourful background, mostly abstract shapes, including some music notes. "Tap Rhythm Project" logo in blue at the top.

Facebook page for the event

A Tap Jam is a place for tap dancers to improvise with musicians and other tap dancers. Everyone is welcome, whether to take part or simply to watch and enjoy. Tap Rhythm Jams are open to dancers of all levels of experience, from complete beginners to professional performers. We even have tap shoes that you can use for free if you don’t have your own!

About the tap improvisation workshop, 6pm – 7pm (additional cost)…

Special guest Junior Laniyan will lead a musicality and improvisation workshop before the jam starts. You can try improvising in a low key environment and learn some easy approaches to get you started.

Video clip of Junior Laniyan and Andrew Nemr dancing at the London tap jam in 2010

Video clip of Annette Walker and Jess Murray dancing at the London tap jam in 2010

(You don’t have to be amazing dancers like them to give it a go! Beginners welcome!)

City Arts “how to find us” page, including access info.

The tap jam will be in the ground floor space, which has a wheelchair-accessible toilet and flat access.

Nearest tram stop: “Lace Market”. Any tram through the city centre will stop here. Tram information.

Nearest bus stops: “Hockley” opposite the venue (all red or lilac line inbound buses), “Boston Street” 150 yards (all red or lilac line outbound buses), “George Street” 350 yards (which is on the “city loop” bus route, so turquoise line all buses, green line all buses, orange line number 34). Bus information.

Parking: “Arena” car park, Lower Parliament Street, 150 yards – or on nearby streets. Outside the venue you can only drop off or pick up, not actually park.