Drumming, free taster session, Sherwood, Friday 12 August

Date: Friday 12 August 2016.

Time: 11.30am for up to an hour.

Venue: Pirate’s Play Centre, 41 Rowley Drive, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 1GD.

Area: off the Hucknall Road about 2 miles north of the city centre, on the western side of Sherwood, towards Basford. Brown Line buses go nearby.

Age range: All welcome at taster. In future, possibility of multiple groups for different age ranges.

Price: This taster is FREE. Please email to book, as places are limited.

Price for the possible future sessions is not yet set, but could be about £6 per person.

Bookings and enquiries: Katy is the parent who’s putting this together. To make the email address, put “Katywwebb” in front of “hotmail.com” with the “at” sign in between. Please do still put your name down if you’re interested in later sessions but can’t get to the taster, so that Katy can assess the level of interest.

I am a home ed mum with 2 boys. We did a workshop with “beatfeet” African drumming which was amazing so I’m now trying to organise weekly classes.

Taster is free, but email to book a place, as space is limited.

From September a weekly advanced booking system will be in place, amount tbc, around £6pp.

I’m hoping to get enough interest to split into age groups of around 4-7, 8-11 and 11+.

A child's hands can be seen playing an African-style drum. Part of the child's t shirt can be seen. The t shirt has in colourful letters "BeatFeet". Below the "BeatFeet" logo is the phrase "Rhythm For Life".

BeatFeet homepage – this is who’ll be running the drumming session(s).

OpenStreetMap showing Pirate’s Play Centre.

Pirate’s Play Centre web site – the page with maps on.

Nearest bus stop coming from the north: “Leonard Avenue“.

Nearest bus stop coming from the south: “Perry Road” – but there’s not much in it. Leonard Avenue is nearly as close.

Both are on the Brown Line along Hucknall Road. There are frequent buses throughout the day; the 15, 16, 16C or 17 all go there. In town, these buses go from stops T1 and T2 on Milton Road just north of Trinity Square, opposite the Victoria Centre.

Alternatively, if you’re coming from out of town along the Yellow Line along Nottingham Road, your nearest bus stop is called “Haydn Road”. Or if you’re coming from out of town along the Purple or Lime lines, your nearest stop would be a different one called “Haydn Road”. Compared to getting a Brown Line bus, these options mean a bit more walking.

On the map, it looks as though if you’re walking up from the west (e.g. from a yellow line bus), you might be able to turn down some kind of footpath just before the Free School, to take a shortcut to Pirate’s. However, it has gates, so if they’re locked, maybe not. Updates welcome if you’ve been there!

Cars & parking: Note that vehicle access is only along Kelham Drive. There is usually plenty of parking at Pirate’s.

Teens’ climbing group, Nottingham Climbing Centre, one Thursday a month

Date: One Thursday afternoon a month, excepting August – same day as the younger children’s climbing groups, but organised by a different person. Hoping to restart in September 2016, subject to numbers.

Time: Two hour session. Or if you only want an hour, it might be possible to share a place and split the cost.

Age range: Roughly 12-plus, mainly 12 to 16, but flexible depending on young person’s climbing experience & size. Typically there’s a group of 6 to 8 people (minimum 6 for it to run), mix of ages/abilities.

Price: £12 for 2 hours (home ed rate), including harness hire, paid in advance in a block of 3 or block of 4. No refunds if you miss one, because the instructor still has to be paid anyway, but you can get your money back if someone else takes your place that week. If you just want to try it, or you want to join the group and there aren’t currently places, you can be on the waiting list, and dip in when someone can’t make it.

Booking, enquiries, or to express interest: Email teensclimbing at non-school-nottingham dot org dot uk.

Optional qualification: You can work towards the NICAS, “National Indoor Climbing Award Scheme“.

As they learn specific skills, these are noted by the instructor in a logbook (that costs £5 at levels 1 & 2). It is entirely optional, but there is nothing extra or different to do in the sessions, & they can progress at their own pace.

Venue: For all venue and travel info, please see the page about the younger home ed climbing groups.

Photo: a panoramic view inside Nottingham Climbing Centre. In the middle part of the photo are various different climbing walls, with handholds dotted over them. On the right is a low balcony area with tables and chairs. On the left in the far distance, a door can be seen. Although the sign on it is too far away to be seen, it's a door to some toilets.

Free tap dance workshop with live music, Wednesday 10 August, New Art Exchange

Date: Wednesday 10 August 2016.

Time: 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

Venue: New Art Exchange, 39-41 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 6BE.

Area: Forest Fields / Hyson Green. It’s just round the corner from the Forest tram stop / Forest park & ride / Goose Fair site. By tram, 10 mins north of city centre.

Age range: All ages and standards, including beginners, including adults. Tap shoes available to borrow, from child size 10 to adult size 13. Smaller children can wear their own shoes – ideally with a hard sole.

Price: FREE! because it ties in with the Dissonance exhibition, with Beverley Bennett’s art, which is currently on at the NAE.

Booking: via event info page at the NAE site, or by ringing NAE reception on 0115 924 8630… or just by going there before the day and talking to the reception people. Places limited.

Text: "tap dance workshop, beginners welcome, free - please book, tap shoes available to borrow. Inc tapping on the tangram floor - each shape a subtly different sound!" Behind the text, a photo shows the "tangram floor": various triangles and squares of different-coloured wood, arranged together in a pattern.

This isn’t a non-schoolers’ event as such – it’s open to anyone – but Jess and Stickman are the same people who did some workshops for us earlier in the year. They’re great at the kind of relaxed, flexible leadership style which home ed families tend to like 🙂

Later that same evening, 8pm-9pm, they’ll be playing at NAE in their trio “Untold Rhythm”, a combination of tap dance, spoken word and melody. This performance is not really aimed at children, but children who are old enough to sit still and listen for an hour are very welcome. Again, free and please book tickets in advance, same link & phone number.

This workshop ties in with the “Dissonance” exhibition, where Nottingham-based artists (dance, spoken word etc) take inspiration from Beverley Bennett’s beautiful abstract drawings.

As part of the exhibition, artist Chiara Dellerba created the “tangram floor” and Jessica Murray of Untold Rhythm improvised dances upon it, at three different locations around Hyson Green. A video of the dance expedition forms part of the exhibition, along with a spoken word video from Dave “Stickman” Higgins of Untold Rhythm.

At this workshop, Jess will introduce you to some tap dance moves, Stickman will provide live music, and the tangram floor will be out for everyone to explore its various subtly different sounds!

To get the most out of the workshop, you might like to visit the exhibition first. But if you don’t, that’s fine too – the workshop will still make sense without the rest of the exhibition.

Parents may like to note that as part of a parallel exhibition, there’s currently a lovely “children’s art” room at the NAE, with paper, pens, stickers, dressing-up clothes, electronic screens with a drawing app, etc. Access to the children’s art room is free and no need to book.

Aimed at: everyone who enjoys exploring dance, of any age or standard! Children must be accompanied by an adult.

(Tap shoes will be available to borrow, from child size 10 up to adult size 13. Children with smaller feet can wear any shoes of their own, ideally with a hard sole.)

Map showing New Art Exchange.

Nearest tram stop: “The Forest“. All trams going north out of the city pass through this stop. Tram information.

Nearest bus stops: Coming from town, the tram is more convenient than any of the buses. However, if you want buses anyway…

The L14 runs every half hour to “Hyson Green Asda” stop.

Turquoise Line buses (77 78 79) head west from town to “Player Street” bus stop. From there, you can cross the road, walk down Oldknow Street (with Bridlington Street playground on your left), turn left into Birkin Avenue, turn right onto Gregory Boulevard, for a total of about 600 yards’ walk.

Yellow, Brown, Purple and Lime line buses head north out of town and stop by the Forest, at stops named “Forest Recreation Ground” or “ncn Clarendon College“. From there, you can walk west along Gregory Boulevard or across the Forest, around half a mile.

Parking: There is usually parking at the Park and Ride site at that time of day.

Access: The New Art Exchange has flat access, proper wheelchair-accessible toilets, and lifts to all floors. The only inaccessible space is the actual staircase; this sometimes has artwork on display, but isn’t the location of the Dissonance exhibition. There are two “Blue Badge” spaces next to the building. For more info, see the New Art Exchange access statement (PDF), or contact info@nae.org.uk or 0115 924 8630.

Tap & percussion, three sessions FREE, Meadows, Thursdays

Date: Thursday afternoons 16, 23 and 30 June 2016. It’s up to you how many of them to come to.

Each person can choose between tap and percussion, or do a bit of both.

Against a colourful background, the words "Tap dance & percussion / 3 x FREE for non-schoolers / starting Thursday 16 June". Above the words is the "Tap Rhythm Project" logo. At one side is the National Lottery logo and the words "Lottery Funded".

Time: Take note, the time is not the same every week!

Date Start Finish
16 June 2pm 3.30pm
23 June 12.30pm 2pm
30 June 2pm 3.30pm

(We asked for timing preferences: some families were busy earlier, and some later, so this timing is to give as many people as possible the chance to join in and try it.)

As these free sessions are drop-in, we don’t know exactly how many people will come. If it turns out there’s more than about 30 to 40 of us, then some people might have to wait a little while before they get a go, depending on space and available tap shoes. Info below on likely timing plan, plus soft play area and café.

Venue: St Saviour’s Church Hall, Arkwright Walk, Nottingham NG2 2JU. Update: Apparently that postcode doesn’t work very well in satnavs, so maybe click through to the map, or have a look at the church’s “how to find us” page – see below.

Area: The Meadows, on the Navy and Green bus lines. Portland Leisure Centre is about 200 yards away.

Age range: All ages! including parents!

Price: FREE for these three sessions, supported by National Lottery funding.

These sessions have been specially set up for non-school families. Those considering non-school education for the future are also welcome!

(If enough of us wanted it, we might subsequently set up a regular group where we chip in to pay session leaders.)

There will be tap shoes available to borrow, starting at around a child size 13 and going up to adult size. For children with feet much smaller than size 13, maybe see if there are some shoes with a hard sole that you could bring.

Booking: There’s no need to book, just turn up. However, if this is your first visit to a home ed event and you won’t know anyone, do drop us a line via email first, so we know to look out for you and say hello!

Enquiries/contact: tapdance at non-school-nottingham dot org dot uk.

Nearby Soft Play and café: Eden Soft Play is in the church itself, in the same group of buildings, along with a community café.

Photo: interior of a church, with pillars and arches visible. Instead of pews, there are chairs and round tables set out café style. In the foreground is a toddler play area, a sort of gigantic soft tray with soft shapes in it. At the far end is a large play structure, with four tiers of blue framework. A ladder can be seen at the front, and a curving tubular slide can be seen inside it.

The 4-tier soft play area is open to children under a height limit of 5 feet / 148cm, as measured by their sign, and has a separate toddler area. (It’s advertised as “under-10s”, but in fact that’s a guideline; the real cut-off, for insurance & safety reasons, is the height limit.)

At the soft play area, accompanying adults and under-1s go free. For the children in the paying age ranges, we will have some vouchers to get into soft play for half price. We plan to give out these vouchers when people arrive. This allows for parents to collaborate and take some children into the soft play area if they’re not interested in the tap and percussion, or if they have to wait a little while for their turn.

More on what will happen at the tap and percussion…

Leading the tap session, we have Jess Murray, “a leading artist in the UK’s rhythm tap community… musicality, improvisation and self-expression at the heart of the tap dancer’s craft”.

On percussion, we have Stickman, “world class, multi-disciplined, drummer and percussionist, also a poet, actor, educator, conceptual artist and father”.

The flavour will be informal and there will be a fair bit of “see what everyone wants to do on the day” – perhaps especially at the first session when the group is new.

We shall have two rooms, so that it’s possible for the tappers to go in one space and the percussionists to go in another.

What we might do is have three stages: a first go, a break, a second go which gives priority to anyone who hasn’t yet tried what they wanted, another break, then come together for the last part.

Or we might just be all together all the way through.

Map showing St Saviour’s Church Halls.

St Saviour’s “How to find us” page.

Nearest bus stop: “Ryehill Street“, on the Navy and Green Lines. All the bus numbers from 1 to 10 stop here. It’s about 250 yards from the venue.

Nearest tram stop: “Queens Walk”, about 650 yards from the venue (i.e. the bus stop is closer). You’d need to be on a Clifton tram. Tram information.

Parking: some by the venue, lots at Portland Leisure Centre about 200 yards away.

Acting Up home-grown drama club, age 4 to 8, Cinderhill/Aspley, one Tuesday a month

Date: One Tuesday morning a month, usually the first or second Tuesday in the month.

Currently booked for 2016:

  • 7 June
  • 5 July
  • 9 August
  • 6 September
  • 4 October
  • 8 November

Time: 10.30am to 11.30am approx, and we have to leave the premises by 12pm.

Venue: Bells Lane Community Centre, 194 Amesbury Circus, Nottingham NG8 6DD. The community centre is on the inner round bit of the “Circus”, just by the junction with Dulverton Vale.

Area: Cinderhill/Aspley, on 79 and 35 bus lines, about three miles north-west of Nottingham City Centre. Broxtowe Country Park is less than half a mile away “as the crow flies”.

Age range: 4 to 8.

Price: £3.50 individual child or £5 per family.

Booking: Holly says “Please let me know if you’re thinking of coming so I can be on the look out for new faces, and also it helps me to plan accordingly, but there’s no need to book!”

Email: actingup at non-school-nottingham dot org dot uk.

Six wooden spoons each have a smiley face drawn on their round end, and are arranged on a white background like a family of smiling spoons.

There is a 30 minute slot then a 15 minute break followed by a 20 minute slot.

We start with a welcome song and then I guide participants through the activities.

I aim to include games, songs, movement, rhyme and other exercises to encourage creativity, communication, confidence and, of course, fun (sorry it doesn’t begin with C)!

The sessions are quite flexible and I adapt to the mood/ interests of the participants as much as possible.

Access info:

Disabled access, including parking, ramps and toilets.

I think there are many elements of the session that would be accessible however best to contact me before hand to discuss particular needs.

Map showing Bells Lane Community Centre:

Bigger map showing Bells Lane Community Centre

Nearest bus stop: “Dulverton Vale“, on the 35 route, Orange Line and 79 route, Turquoise Line. Important: there are actually two bus stops on the 79 route both called Dulverton Vale! The one you want is in between stops called “Eltham Drive” and “Walbrook Close/Bells Lane“.

This stop is only about 150 yards from the venue.

Nearest tram stop is Phoenix Park, just over half a mile away – but the buses go much closer.

Parking: There is a small car park, and off road parking too.

Maths & Science age 4 to 8, free taster session, Sherwood, Monday 6 June

Availability: this taster session is now full, but you can ask to go on the waiting list or find out about future classes!

Date: Monday 6 June 2016.

Time: 2pm to 3pm.

Venue: Pirate’s Play Centre, 41 Rowley Drive, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 1GD.
to the front.
Area: off the Hucknall Road about 2 miles north of the city centre, on the western side of Sherwood, towards Basford. Brown Line buses go nearby.

Age range: 4 to 8.

Price: This taster is FREE. Future class price to be confirmed, probably about £4 per session. It includes a free go on the soft play area as well, either before or after the class.

Enquiries: Bekky is the organiser.

Email: bekky_robinson at yahoo dot com.

The foreground says "maths & science age 4 to 8". The background is an old diagram showing the orbits of the planets in our solar system.

An hour of hands-on experiments and mathematical discovery aimed at young children, to develop mathematical and scientific thinking skills, and learn more about how the world works.

This is a taster session with the intention of a four week block of classes to follow if there is enough interest.

The taster session will be on the theme of Floating and Sinking with hands on experiments, group work and learning through directed play and fun!

It will take place at the Pirates Play Centre in Sherwood, and the owners have very kindly agreed to let those attending the class have a free play before or after the class.

If a child with autism or a learning disability wishes to attend, then if they let me know in advance I can adjust those parts of the class to make it more suitable to their needs.

Map showing Pirate’s Play Centre:

Bigger map showing Pirate’s Play Centre

Pirate’s Play Centre web site – the page with maps on.

Nearest bus stop coming from the north: “Leonard Avenue“.

Nearest bus stop coming from the south: “Perry Road” – but there’s not much in it. Leonard Avenue is nearly as close.

Both are on the Brown Line along Hucknall Road. There are frequent buses throughout the day; the 15, 16, 16C or 17 all go there. In town, these buses go from stops T1 and T2 on Milton Road just north of Trinity Square, opposite the Victoria Centre.

Alternatively, if you’re coming from out of town along the Yellow Line along Nottingham Road, your nearest bus stop is called “Haydn Road”. Or if you’re coming from out of town along the Purple or Lime lines, your nearest stop would be a different one called “Haydn Road”. Compared to getting a Brown Line bus, these options mean a bit more walking.

On the map, it looks as though if you’re walking up from the west (e.g. from a yellow line bus), you might be able to turn down some kind of footpath just before the Free School, to take a shortcut to Pirate’s. However, it has gates, so if they’re locked, maybe not. Updates welcome if you’ve been there!

Cars & parking: Note that vehicle access is only along Kelham Drive.

There is parking at Pirates which should be ample during the day when it’ll be mostly us using the venue.

Home ed climbing, Nottingham Climbing Centre, one Thursday a month

Date: Once a month on a Thursday in term-time.

Time: One hour slots at different times during the day. Children grouped by climbing experience / size / age.

Venue: Nottingham Climbing Centre, The Old Pool, 212 Noel Street, New Basford, Nottingham, NG7 6AT.

Postcode for sat nav: NG7 7FR, to end of Rawson Street.

Area: New Basford / Forest Fields area of Nottingham, north of Hyson Green Asda, near Beaconsfield Street tram stop (or Radford Road tram stop if southbound). The climbing centre was previously Noel Street swimming pool.

Age range: Different children are ready at different ages to cooperate with the climbing instructor, wait for their turn and follow safety instructions. Youngest climbers have been about 4 or 5; some children do better waiting till they’re older. Older age range is up to teens.

(Update: See info about the Teens’ Climbing Group, organised separately from this group.)

Price: £6 per one-hour session, paid termly. If there’s a session where you can’t make it, another family can take your place that day and give you the £6 back. The ratio is 6 children with one coach from the Climbing Centre.

Availability: At the time of writing, there are a few regular places available, in a group for middling confident climbers aged around 5 to 11. However, it’s worth enquiring even if your child is a different age / stage – as the situation may have changed by the time you read this, and/or it may sometimes be possible to reshuffle the groups, if other children were happy with that. There may also be a drop-in place when someone can’t make it.

Booking & enquiries: By email. To make the email address, add “homeedclimbingnottingham” to “gmail dot com” with an “at” sign in the middle.

Photo: a panoramic view inside Nottingham Climbing Centre. In the middle part of the photo are various different climbing walls, with handholds dotted over them. On the right is a low balcony area with tables and chairs. On the left in the far distance, a door can be seen. Although the sign on it is too far away to be seen, it's a door to some toilets.

This is a monthly activity taking place at Nottingham’s Climbing Centre, adapted for use from a swimming pool and run by an enthusiastic climbing family and a small group of climbing instructors.

The centre is open most days anyway, but once a month, 5 teams of 6 young HE climbers meet to climb throughout the day. They climb on bouldering walls (no ropes) and also using ropes and harnesses. There are a variety of walls and routes designed for different ages/heights/aptitudes.

There is a café to chat/play board games/read etc whilst the children climb, and in warmer months several families socialise at the park afterwards.

The cost is paid termly, at £6 a session. This includes harness and insurance. There are often “trial places” available and a waiting list, so drop us a line if it sounds like an activity you may fancy.

Nottingham Climbing Centre web site.

There are several steps up to the front door, so the climbing centre isn’t wheelchair-accessible or very buggy-friendly.

Map showing Nottingham Climbing Centre:

Bigger view of map showing Nottingham Climbing Centre

Nearest tram stop: “Beaconsfield Street“. Note that this is on a one-way bit of tram route; all northbound trams stop here and none of the southbound ones. The nearest southbound tram stop is “Radford Road“, after which you have to walk uphill to the climbing centre. Alternatively, stay on two more stops till you get to “The Forest”, then switch to a northbound tram – but depending on your ticket, this may mean paying twice. Tram information.

Nearest bus stop (but not very near): “Haydn Road“, via buses 68, 69, 70 & 71 on the Yellow Line, on Nottingham Road. From there, it’s about 780 metres’ walk. The tram goes much closer. To catch a Yellow Line bus from town, go to the bus stops near Trinity Square, across the road from the Victoria Centre. The 68 and 69 go from stop T4. The 70 and 71 go from stop T3.

Parking: on street.

See also the Climbing Centre’s helpful “How to find us” page.

Maths groups, Carlton, Wednesdays and Thursdays

Update:  Please see newer post with updated info on the maths groups!  This one is no longer current.

Days: Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

Time: Each one-hour class is for up to four children, grouped by age range and/or ability. Exact time of the morning depends on what group you’re in.

Area: Carlton / NG4 area of Nottingham.

Age range: 7 to 16+.

Price: £5 per class of 1 hour. Reduction for siblings. Book in advance, pay on the day.

Email: maths at non-school-nottingham dot org dot uk.

Maths groups for all the above ages. Maximum of 4 in each group and classes are 1 hour long.

Hands on approach to learning, with an emphasis on understanding and using numbers rather than rote learning.

Tutor is a former home ed mum who has taught within the home ed community for the past 20 years.

Each class costs £5 with a sibling reduction if more than 1 child. Everything is provided.

Access info:

Fully experienced with autism and dyslexia.

We have a ramp and accessible downstairs toilet, though wheelchair access would need looking at and discussing.

Home Ed Fun Sports Day & picnic at the Forest, Wednesday 8 June

Date: Wednesday 8 June 2016.

Time: 11am to 2pm.

Venue: Forest Recreation Ground, Nottingham.

Area: This is the Goose Fair site, about a mile north of Nottingham City Centre, next to “The Forest” tram stop and “Park & Ride” car park.

Age range: All ages welcome.

Price: FREE, and please book in advance so that the organisers know how many people are coming.

Booking, or finding out more: To make the organisers’ email address, add “shineeducationltd” to “gmail.com” with an “at” sign in the middle. Or book via the Facebook event page.

Event page on Facebook.

HOME ED Annual Fun Sports Day Event. 3rd year!

This is a family day with lots of sports and activities to participate in. All ages welcome. Bring a picnic.

Nearby: The Forest has three children’s playgrounds, including the one with the ship climbing frame, plus an outdoor gym. It also has a café, “Homemade Café At The Pavilion“, and a Changing Places toilet. The New Art Exchange is a short walk away.

Map showing The Forest.

Nearest tram stop: “The Forest“. All trams heading north of the city stop here. From the railway station, the journey takes about 11 minutes. Tram information.

Nearest bus stop: All Yellow Line, Brown Line, Lime Line and Purple Line buses go past the Forest on Mansfield Road. The closest stop is called “Forest Recreation Ground“. If your bus doesn’t stop at that one, just get off at the next one. In town, those buses all leave from near the Victoria Centre. Bus information.

Postcode for sat nav: NG7 6ND is a nearby one on Gregory Boulevard. The Forest itself might not have one.

Parking: The Forest “Park and Ride” site is adjacent on the west side of the Forest, in between the tram stop and the green area. There are also small car parks on the east side of the Forest.

Pint of Science festival, Nottingham City Centre, 23 to 25 May

Date: Monday 23 to Wednesday 25 May 2016.

Time: Evening. Exact start time varies by venue; typically around 7pm.

Venue: Four different venues in Nottingham City Centre each host on each of the three evenings – 12 different events in all, each with several speakers.

Age range: All ages. One of the four venues specifies that under-18s must be accompanied by an adult; the other three simply say “All ages welcome”.

Price: £4 per evening event, typically 3 different speakers explaining something about their research area.

Booking: via individual web pages on Pint Of Science web site.

Availability: At time of writing, most events still have places, though a few have sold out.

Our events fall into the following topics:

  • Beautiful Mind – neuroscience, psychology and psychiatry
  • Atoms to Galaxies – physics, chemistry, maths, astronomy
  • Our Body – medicine, human biology, health
  • Planet Earth – geosciences, plant sciences, zoology
  • Tech Me Out – biotechnology, robotics, computers
  • Our Society – law, history, politics, policy, languages


The Pint of Science festival aims to deliver interesting and relevant talks on the latest science research in an accessible format to the public – all in the pub! We want to provide a platform which allows people to discuss research with the people who carry it out – no prior knowledge of the subject is required. It is run mainly by volunteers and was established by a community of postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers in 2012. The main festival takes place annually over three days in the month of May simultaneously in pubs across the world.

This is the first year that it’s come to Nottingham.

The Nottingham page at Pint Of Science has a map showing approx locations of each venue.