Leadership Academy at Nottingham City Gymnastics Club

Participants at Nottingham City Gymnastics Club who are 11 or older have the option of joining in with the British Gymnastics “MY Leadership Academy”.

Here’s a short video from British Gymnastics, explaining it (about 4 minutes)

The end of the video talks about sending off for info from British Gymnastics, but that’s what a club has to do if setting up the scheme. NCGC already has the scheme running, so the next step for an individual young person is tell the NCGC organisers that you want to do it, and they’ll tell you more.

British Gymnastics summary page about the Leadership Academy

Related info: NCGC runs four gymnastics sessions a week aimed at home ed young people. See earlier posts here (for times) and here (for more description). Or if you’re ready to book onto a series of sessions, just click through to the club’s booking page.

Logo for "MY Leadership Academy". It's just the words in white text on black background.

New home ed sessions at Nottingham City Gymnastics Club – now 4 days a week.

The sessions at NCGC are proving so popular, they’ve now added extra ones on Monday and Wednesday mornings. And the times for Tuesday and Thursday afternoons have changed slightly.

The times of home-ed-specific sessions are now as follows:

Monday 10am-11am “Structured” session
Monday 11am-12 noon “Unstructured” session
Tuesday 12.45-1.45pm “Structured” session
Tuesday 1.45-2.45pm “Unstructured” session
Wednesday 10am-11am “Structured” session
Wednesday 11am-12 noon “Unstructured” session
Thursday 12.45-1.45pm “Structured” session
Thursday 1.45-2.45pm “Unstructured” session

Other info about the club and sessions remains the same, so please see previous writeup. Or if you’re ready to sign up, just click through to the club’s booking page.

Nottingham City Gymnastics Club logo

Home Ed PE group, Haydn Road, Nottingham, from Tuesday 24 May

Date: Starting Tuesday 24 May 2016, for 12 weeks.

Time: 11.15am to 12.15pm.

Venue: Robin Hood Gymnastics Club, Unit 1, Ellesmere Crescent, Haydn Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 1DX.

Area: about 2 miles north of the city centre, on the western side of Sherwood, towards Basford. Brown Line buses go nearby. A handy landmark is the Nottingham Free School, across the road.

Age range: 4 to 12 years old.

Price: £48 per child for 12 weeks. To book, go to the new group’s web page at osipitan.com.

Lessons are every Tuesday for 12 weeks, starting on Tuesday 24 May, and cost £48 per child for the series (which works out at £4 per lesson).

Osipitan PE Group logo.

Children will explore running, jumping and some mini gymnastic skills.
Class Instructor: Claire Starkey (former Head Coach of British Gymnastics World Medal Winners).

Map showing the Robin Hood Gymnastics Club.

Here’s a photo (click it for bigger version) showing which building you’re looking for. Looking at the view shown here, you’d have your back to the Free School building.

Photo, labelled with where things are. A road going ahead is labelled Ellesmere Crescent. A road going to the right is labelled Haydn Road. On the corner is a car park, and at the back of a car park is a big warehouse. It's mostly grey. The left half of the warehouse is partly blue, and the right half is partly red. On the blue half, a sign reads "ROBIN HOOD", and some smaller letters which can't be read on the photo. A label on the photo points to that part of the warehouse, saying "Osipitan PE group @ RobinHood Gymnastics Club. Unit 1."

Nearest bus stop: “Leonard Avenue“, on the Brown Line along Hucknall Road. There are frequent buses throughout the day; the 15, 16, 16C or 17 all go there. In town, these buses go from stops T1 and T2 on Milton Road just north of Trinity Square, opposite the Victoria Centre.

Alternatively, if you’re coming from out of town along the Yellow Line along Nottingham Road, your nearest bus stop is called “Haydn Road”. Or if you’re coming from out of town along the Purple or Lime lines, your nearest stop would be a different one called “Haydn Road”. Compared to getting a Brown Line bus, these options mean a bit more walking along Haydn Road itself.

Parking: There is parking outside the gym.

Contact to find out more:

  • Go to osipitan.com and click on the message icon.
  • Or email osipitan at non-school-nottingham dot org dot uk.

Home ed sessions at Nottingham City Gymnastics Club, Tuesdays & Thursdays

Date: Tuesday and Thursday afternoons during termtime. You can choose between Tuesday and Thursday, or do both.

UPDATE: From Sept 2016 there are extra days and adjusted timings – please see new post.

Venue: Six Ways Community Centre, Denton Green, Broxtowe, Nottingham, NG8 6GD.

Age range: 4 to 16 maximum; in reality the current age groups are more like 4 to 12. You don’t have to have done any gymnastics before.

Area: Broxtowe, on the 35 and 78 bus routes.

From the city centre, it’s about 3 miles, out north-west-ish through Aspley: towards Eastwood or Kimberley or Junction 26, but not that far. The gym club is about 300 metres from one of the entrances to Broxtowe Country Park.

Time: 1pm to 2pm, 2pm to 3pm, or do both hours.

The first hour is the “structured” session, 1pm to 2pm. The coaches guide people through doing specific activities.

The second hour is the “unstructured” session, 2pm to 3pm. The children decide for themselves what to practice, with the coaches on hand to keep an eye and to help if requested.

The Tuesday session and Thursday session both follow this format.

Parents and other children can wait in a sort of small café area with a window through to the gym. Or you can leave and do errands, as long as the club has your phone number.

Nottingham City Gymnastics Club logo

Price: If you’re visiting, one hour £5, two hours £7.50, or if it’s your first time it may be free (ask at the club).

If you’re signing up long-term, you pay by the month. At current prices it works out £4.05 for one hour, down to £2.70 per hour if you went to all four hours. Prices page.

Booking: At the time of writing, both days are full up with a waiting list. You can contact the club on the morning of a session and find out if there’s a place that day because of someone missing it.

To get onto the waiting list, or sign up if a place becomes free, go to the NCGC sign-up page and look for where it says “Home Education Gymnastics”.

The club also runs children’s gym sessions in “after-school” hours, open to all. Most of those are at Six Ways; some are at the Portland Centre in West Bridgford.

Nottingham City Gymnastics Club home page


(Photo is from the club’s web site – probably not a home ed child.)

Map showing the NCGC building, a.k.a. Six Ways Community Centre:

Bigger map showing NCGC building

Buses: The 78 (Turquoise Line) and 35 (Orange Line) buses stop almost next to the club, at Coleby Road Top bus stop, and are fairly frequent. Both buses go into Nottingham City Centre via different routes; the 35 also connects with Bulwell to the north.

Parking: The club building has a small car park. It’s usually possible to park there.

Taster session for new home ed PE group: Haydn Road, Nottingham, Tuesday 10 May

Date: Tuesday 10 May 2016.

Time: 11.15am to 12.15pm.

Venue: Robin Hood Gymnastics Club, Unit 1, Ellesmere Crescent, Haydn Road, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 1DX.

Area: about 2 miles north of the city centre, on the western side of Sherwood, towards Basford. Brown Line buses go nearby. A handy landmark is the Nottingham Free School, across the road.

Age range: currently 4+, but see explanation. Update Monday 9 May: age range now set at 4 to 12.

Price: £4 per child, payable by Monday 9 May. To book, go to the new group’s web page at osipitan.com.

After the taster, there will be a series of lessons every Tuesday for 12 weeks, starting on Tuesday 24 May and costing £48 per child for the series (which works out at £4 per lesson).

Osipitan PE Group logo.

The minimum age is currently 4 years old (although younger ages can be provided for). At the PE Taster session children will explore running, jumping and some mini gymnastic skills.
A tailor-made 12 week PE program will then be assembled based on the fitness levels and requirements of the group, which will be sent out after the Taster session. Each group will be a max of 12 children and will be grouped according to age.

Class Instructor: Claire Starkey (former Head Coach of British Gymnastics World Medal Winners).

Map showing the Robin Hood Gymnastics Club.

Here’s a photo (click it for bigger version) showing which building you’re looking for. Looking at the view shown here, you’d have your back to the Free School building.

Photo, labelled with where things are. A road going ahead is labelled Ellesmere Crescent. A road going to the right is labelled Haydn Road. On the corner is a car park, and at the back of a car park is a big warehouse. It's mostly grey. The left half of the warehouse is partly blue, and the right half is partly red. On the blue half, a sign reads "ROBIN HOOD", and some smaller letters which can't be read on the photo. A label on the photo points to that part of the warehouse, saying "Osipitan PE group @ RobinHood Gymnastics Club. Unit 1."

Nearest bus stop: “Leonard Avenue“, on the Brown Line along Hucknall Road. There are frequent buses throughout the day; the 15, 16, 16C or 17 all go there. In town, these buses go from stops T1 and T2 on Milton Road just north of Trinity Square, opposite the Victoria Centre.

Alternatively, if you’re coming from out of town along the Yellow Line along Nottingham Road, your nearest bus stop is called “Haydn Road”. Or if you’re coming from out of town along the Purple or Lime lines, your nearest stop would be a different one called “Haydn Road”. Compared to getting a Brown Line bus, these options mean a bit more walking along Haydn Road itself.

Parking: There is parking outside the gym.

Update: You can now contact the organiser by email. osipitan at non-school-nottingham dot org dot uk>