Home education
info drop-in

Nottingham Central Library
Monday 27 April 2015
1pm, or drop in any time between 1pm & 4pm
Admission FREE

supported by Nottingham Library Services and Nottingham City Council

Cartoon. A family is having breakfast. A teenager, holding a mobile phone, announces "Aisha says let's meet at the library and practise sign language.".  An adult - the parent - replies "Well, it's science club at 2pm, then Guides, but you _could_ fit it in before those..."

"Home ed" is family/community-based education for young people aged 0 to 18, instead of school, organised by the families. It's sometimes called "Elective home education", so as not to confuse it with the kind of tutoring where someone's in hospital or off school.

Cartoon. A child is in bed reading a book. An adult - the parent - is sitting on the bed listening. The child says "It tells you how to make a T Rex out of cardboard!  Can we do that when Sam and Harry come round?"

Yes, it is legal. English law says parents must provide their child with an education which suits the child. Sending them to school is one way to do that - so is home-based education.

Daytime activity groups in the Nottingham area currently include skating, climbing, art, maths, sign language, Aikido, pottery, debating, film-making, pushchair-friendly walks, Forest School, and GCSE groups for age 14 to 16 run by Central College. Families organise things & support each other, e.g. via East Midlands Home Education email list. Some people go into school "part way through"; some try school and switch to home ed. You don't have to be "school age" to join or visit one of our social / activity groups - there are meetups which include babies and toddlers.

Think it might suit you, your child, or someone you know? Find out more, via chats, talks and entertainments at this drop-in afternoon.

What's on when? Timings, talks, activities.
Mobility access & getting there
Posters for the event